Lately, I have been in these moods where I am sick of school, sick of winter, bored with my life, and feel like I am cooped up all the time in my house, at work, or at school. My grandma and I e-mail back and forth once and a while, and last night I was e-mailing her about how bored of school I am and how it is hard to make myself go there everyday. She responded saying she is so excited that I am finally doing what I've always wanted to do, and she is so happy I responded that night since she has been so depressed lately. She then went on to tell me how she is trying to hold off from stage 5 kidney disease, and how she is optimistic that she can remain in stage 4. She told me how weak this kidney failure has been making her and how it is hard to even get up in the mornings. I wanted to dedicate this post to my g-ma and thank her for "knocking some sense" into me. Thank you grandma for making me realize the grateful life that I have. I am healthy, already have a degree and I now have the opportunity of getting my second degree, the one I have always wanted. I live in a great place, with great people around me, people who care about me, and I get to participate in the sports I want to play. I know there are people who would love the opportunity to go to university, but are unable to. From now on I will be grateful for all these things I took for granted. And grandma, thanks for being so strong and so optimistic. You are truly a role model!