Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Slooooow it down.

So I've decided if I could slow my life down even a little bit these are the things I would do:
- Sew things...things of all sorts
- Get a back x-ray from my snowboarding crash....is it bad that I still can't bend properly?
- Get an arm x-ray from my snowboard crash... still can't move my one arm in a full circle...isn't the old saying "time heals everything though?"
- I would go to the gym more...maybe get into yoga again
- Find a good book to read that has nothing to do with lesson planning
- Find amazing music- assortment of genres so I can have music when I need to be mellow and have a cup of cocoa and for when I need to jam out and......clean my room
- I would attempt to organize..although every time I attempt it becomes way more of a mess and I buy organizers that just end up jamming up my space. I should really take tips from W.
- Speaking of W...I suppose catching up with friends would be on this list too, even though we can pick up where we left off at any moment.. cute right?
- Lastly, I would probably online shop more...BUSTED.



1 comment:

  1. aw you're a cutie-head. but 'tis true.. we are good at picking up right where we left off!
    heart you, S.

